Hinchey Presents at Joint APWA/ASCE Alabama Conference
August 18, 2018
The American Public Works Association (APWA) Alabama Chapter and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Alabama Section held their joint 2018 Summer Conference in July for technical presentations on a wide range of professional and technical topics. S&ME’s Byron Hinchey, PE, Senior Project Manager, presented “Implementing Stormwater Utilities in Alabama,” a program designed to educate the audience on the elements of a comprehensive stormwater management program and how stormwater utilities can be used to fund municipal stormwater management activities in Alabama.
S&ME offers expertise in all facets of stormwater management including flood response and recovery, capital improvement project planning and design, green infrastructure planning and design, infrastructure inventory and analysis, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, watershed studies, stream restoration, dam/reservoir inspection and permitting, municipal stormwater program development, stormwater user fees, and Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permitting and compliance. Our knowledge of State and Federal regulations and our wealth of experience has allowed us to successfully identify needs and develop effective solutions for a wide range of stormwater management challenges for public and private clients.