Quinton Presents at ASFE/GBA Conference

“Covering Your Assets: The ROI of Internal Engagement,” coauthored by Greg Hebeler, PhD, PE (Golder Associates) and Melissa Quinton, PE (S&ME), will be presented at the 2013 Fall Conference of ASFE/The Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA).

People are the most precious asset of just about any professional-services firm. Is your firm doing enough to protect and develop those precious assets? Through this presentation, two emerging, industry leaders share tips and tools to create successful internal engagement programs based on firsthand experiences and success. Learn how to achieve staff loyalty and a high return on investment by offering an internal-engagement program that lowers turnover and increases efficiencies in recruiting, integrating, continually developing, and retaining staff.

Greg is a co-founder of Golder’s professional-development group that earned a 2012 Environmental Business Journal Industry Leadership Award. Melissa completed 2012-13’s Fundamentals of Professional Practice (FOPP) Class 22, for which she conducted research to develop an outline for a future-leaders program for S&ME. She is currently working with S&ME’s leadership to develop and implement an internal future-leaders program.

S&ME’s President, Randy Neuhaus, PE, chairs the ASFE/GBA External Relations Committee and was on hand to support the presentation.

About ASFE

ASFE is an organization of geoprofessional firms – those engaged in geotechnical, civil, and infrastructure engineering; environmental science; and construction materials engineering and testing. Established in 1968, ASFE’s mission focuses on risk management, meaningful involvement in project planning and execution, and merited recognition for its members’ business, professional acumen and accomplishments.

October 10-12, 2013
Boston, Massachusetts
