Serving the Gulf Coast Region
August 06, 2015
S&ME’s local Gulf Coast program offers geotechnical engineering, environmental services, and coastal engineering with a primary focus on coastal restoration and resiliency. S&ME has built our Gulf Coast program with local professionals who are networked in the community and sensitive to local issues. Our goal is to provide practical solutions to our clients’ challenges, while considering local culture and physical conditions to help them safely and efficiently meet their objectives. We strive to support regional and local endeavors that benefit the resiliency of the Gulf Coast. With the support of our professionals on a national scale, S&ME offers clients and teaming partners large firm capability with a local approach and appreciation for our unique way of life along the Gulf Coast.
Coastal Engineering
S&ME’s coastal/civil engineering services can provide our clients with solutions using an optimal blend of cutting-edge analyses and practical design, while maximizing the use of conventional construction techniques to produce a cost-effective project. Our coastal engineers are experienced in all aspects of the coastal design process, from field data collection and analyses through construction and acceptance of a finished project. We work closely with our in-house environmental scientists and geotechnical engineers to effectively coordinate regulatory and environmental challenges, which are becoming more prevalent for projects along the Gulf Coast. Our coastal engineers are focused on coastal ecosystem restoration, coastal resiliency, dredged material management for habitat restoration and protection, and other coastal infrastructure. In the event of a natural disaster (tropical storm, hurricane, or flood), we can provide a variety of disaster response and recovery services. Critical components of these services are engineering and environmental damage assessment, development of practical repair measures, development of opinions of probable construction costs, and assistance in developing project worksheets for FEMA reimbursement. We’re ready to work with our clients as teaming partners, acting as an extension of our clients’ staff, and as trusted advisors to provide technical expertise where needed in order to achieve successful project completion by avoiding obstacles, working pro-actively, and implementing innovative, effective solutions. Our coastal services cover:
- Marsh Restoration
- Living Shorelines
- Shoreline Protection
- Resiliency Features
- Beach Nourishment
- Dune Restoration
- Storm Damage Recovery
- Beneficial Use of Dredged Material
- Navigation Channels
- Marine Infrastructure
- Mitigation Sites
Geotechnical Engineering
S&ME provides solutions to your geotechnical challenges. We are skilled in both conventional and innovative drilling and sampling. We have pioneered new technology and tools for testing and analysis, winning several ACEC Engineering Excellence Awards for our geotechnical services.
Understanding geologic complexities along the Gulf Coast is an important part of providing value engineering solutions. Subsurface conditions are a critical part of identifying potential issues related to site conditions. We provide investigation, testing and evaluation of a site using a variety of field exploration capabilities and accredited laboratory testing facilities.
S&ME can provide realistic and economical solutions for stabilization of poor, wet, or otherwise unsuitable ground conditions, reducing the need for more expensive solutions such as importing select materials from off site. S&ME can design dewatering systems to reduce water inflows into either temporary or permanent excavations. Developing solutions for soft-sediments is our speciality.
With our engineering and natural resources professionals working hand-in-hand, S&ME will utilize the latest science and engineering advances to provide integrated solutions which benefit our community and the environment, while striving to minimize adverse impacts. Our geotechnical services include:
- Site Characterization & In-Situ Testing
- Soft-Sediment Analyses & Numerical Modeling
- Marsh Fill & Foundation Soil Settlement/Consolidation
- Stability Evaluations (Levees, Slopes, Embankments, etc.)
- Ground Improvement & Modification Design
- Site Dewatering, Seepage Analyses, & Drainage
- Bearing Capacity & Slope Stability Evaluation
- Shallow & Deep Foundation Design & Testing
- Geostructures Design
- Seepage Analyses
- ASD & LRFD Design Methods
- Pavement Design
- Ground Stabilization
- Instrumentation for Soil & Structures
- Environmental Permitting / NEPA
Environmental Permitting / NEPA
S&ME is a diversified environmental and engineering firm that offers services to improve and enhance our local ecosystem through coastal restoration and protection. With our experience and first-hand knowledge of the dynamic environmental, cultural and regulatory concerns unique to the Gulf Coast, S&ME offers professional, valuable advisors to our clients.
Our Gulf Coast program offers experience with all aspects of NEPA compliance, from permit applications and collection of supporting documentation to managing and writing EAs and EISs. Our staff understands the importance of having accurate, defendable data for planning, design, and conducting effects analyses. We have the experience with field collection and with data analysis, interpretation, and presentation to meet our client’s needs. Understanding project site conditions to the appropriate level assists with avoidance, minimization, and development of mitigation measures early in project planning, streamlining the permitting, design, and construction process. Our core natural resources, planning, and permitting services in the Gulf Coast include:
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance
- Wetland & Waters of the U.S. Delineations
- Clean Water Act & Rivers and Harbors Act Permitting (Sections 401/404 & 10)
- USACE Section 408 Reviews & Compliance
- Interpretation and Implementation of WRDA/WRRDA Provisions
- Endangered Species Act Surveys & Compliance (Sections 7 & 10)
- Migratory Bird Treaty Act Surveys & Compliance
- Coastal Zone Compliance
- Mitigation Planning & Monitoring
- Regulatory Evaluations & Inter-Agency Coordination
- Public Involvement & Coordination