CUY-Pedestrian Bridge (Voinovich Pedestrian Bridge)
Located on North Coast Harbor along Lake Erie, the Voinovich Pedestrian Bridge is a single span double leaf bascule bridge of cable stay construction with a curved alignment. When completed, the pedestrian bridge will connect Voinovich-Bicentennial Park on the northeastern portion of the harbor with the Great Lakes Science Center, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and William G. Maher Steamship Museum located on the south and west sides of the harbor. S&ME completed the Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Screening; memorandum of agreement (MOA)-level Ecological Survey; permit determination (PD) per Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT); Waterway Permit applications including USACE NWP, USACE Approval to Authorize Modification, and US Coast Guard (USCG) Section 9 permit; as well as a Quality Assessment/Quality Control (QAQC) plan.
- Iconic, curved, twin structures based upon unique geometry of the harbor
- The bridge connects a walking loop along the waterfront